Sunday, June 6, 2010
June 5-6, 2010 - You: Rock
Rocks show up in interesting places all through the Bible. Jesus said that if people failed to honor him, even the rocks would cry out (Luke 19) Simon was called "Peter", which meant "Rock". Jesus was "the stone the builders rejected, who became the cornerstone" (Acts 4:11). Rocks were an important building material as well. Jesus himself was a tekton, a "builder", and he could well have been a stonemason as well as a carpenter. So he spoke on good authority when he compared those who put his teachings into practice to those who build their houses on rock rather than sand. In the Old Testament, we have record of stones being set up and altars being constructed as reminders of where God acted. As we transition our 6th graders out of children's ministry, we want them to remember where God acted during these last three years, and to commit to building their lives "on the rock", Jesus, the one who never changes and the one who holds the key to our worth, our potential, and our future.