Saturday, November 29, 2008

November 29-30 - Why do people sin?

Question: Why do people sin?

What does James 1:15-17 tell us about sin?
A. It tells us God does not sin and is not tempted, nor does he tempt
B. It tells us that we have evil desires living inside of us
C. It tells us that temptation plays on those desires until sin begins
D. It tells us that when sin is fully grown, it leads to death

So, in order:
1. We have sin living in us
2. We are tempted
3. We think about sinning
4. We follow through on sin
5. Because we sin, it leads to death

The sinful nature in us is like a huge appetite: "FEED ME!"

In answer to your questions:
Why did God make sin? God did not make sin! He doesn't cause it either!

Who created sin? Did it just come to be when Eve ate the fruit? Sin wasn't really created. It happened when people made wrong choices.

Why did God put temptations in this world? God doesn't tempt anyone. Temptations play on the evil desires that are in us (the sinful nature).

Who causes people to sin? Again, they come from the desires of our sin nature. We are responsible for our own sin.

Does God ever sin? No!

Are babies born with sin in their life?

Ex: four figures.
The first is INNOCENT - it has never sinned. The Bible tells us Adam & Eve were this way when created.
The second is FALLEN - no longer innocent, because it has sinned. The Bible tells us the human race is fallen.
The third is FORGIVEN.
The fourth is GLORIFIED. This is a person living in heaven. All sin is gone and God has given them "God life" forever and ever.

Which one...
deserves heaven? The innocent, if any - it has not sinned. But none of the others deserves God.
is sinful? The Fallen, and the Forgiven (yes, forgiven people still sin!) By definition, an Innocent person has never sinned, and a Glorified person cannot have sin and be in the presence of God
is saved? The Innocent (although no one today is innocent), the Forgiven, and the Glorified. But, the Forgiven one isn't perhaps "yet" saved, in the sense that the Glorified one is.

The journey moves in only one direction - from Fallen to Forgiven to Glorified - you cannot travel backwards! (and that's good news!)

Romans 5:12 - Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned...
So which figure represents how we are when we're born?

Views vary:
1. Some say we are born innocent and choose to sin; we might, or we might not. It is all a choice.
2. Some say we are born innocent but for sure we will sin; sin is just too strong.
3. Some say we are born already guilty of sin.

In the case of babies, they are either innocent, or sinful but not accountable.

The good news is - sinners can escape punishment! God shows "mercy" to people when he puts "the God life" in them although they are fallen.